MOUNTAIN BIKING: Paris Mountain State Park



From the front of the park, park in the big parking lot with the islands. Hug the uphill side of shelter 4 which is near the Park Center. This is the start of the Mountain Creek Trail. Take this through the CCC amphitheater. At about 1.5 miles the trail becomes the Sulphur Springs Trail.Stay on the right fork. .5 miles take a left on the Archery Range Trailhead access. On the pavement take a right an gear down. At the top you can pick your options because they all come back to here. Firetower Trail / Suphur Springs loop is a technical climb if you go counterclockwise with a surfing downhill on the way back. Clockwise is a moderate climb with a tight technical downhill on the way back. Brissy Ridge to Pipsissewa to North Lake is a five mile lollipop trail with big ramps and a surf down to the water. Taking the Sulphur Springs trail next to the gate brings you back down to the bottom and onto the Mountain Creek Trail, but stretch your brake fingers because this is an old hiking trail and the steepest technical there is in the park. Its steep and if steep is not your thing take the road back to the Archery Range Trailhead and get back on the trail to go with the flow back to your car


From I-385: Take exit #40 onto N. Pleasantburg Rd (Hwy 291) for approximately 4 mi. Take a rt on Piney Mountain Rd. Go to the 1st light and turn rt. Park is 2 mi. ahead on the left.